Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Selected book list for the period

Barker, Hannah and Chalus, Elaine (eds), Women’s History: Britain, 1700-1850, Routledge. 2004
Black, Jeremy, The British Seaborne Empire, Yale, 2005
Brewer, John, The Sinews of Power, Unwin, 1989
________Pleasures of the Imagination, Yale, 1997
Cannon, John, Parliamentary Reform 1640-1832, Cambridge 1973
Cash, Arthur H., John Wilkes: The Scandalous Father of Civil Liberty, Yale, 2006
Colley, Linda, Britons: Forging the Nation Yale, 1992
Corfield, Penelope, The Impact of English Towns, 1700-1800, Oxford, 1982
Dickinson, H. T., Liberty and Property, Methuen, 1977
__________The Politics of the People in Eighteenth-Century Britain, Macmillan, 1994
Emsley, Clive, Crime and Society in England 1750-1900, Longman, 1996
Ferguson, Niall, Empire: How Britain made the Modern World, Penguin, 2004
Foreman, Amanda, Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, HarperCollins, 1998
George, Dorothy, London Life in the Eighteenth Century, Penguin, 1965
Gilmour, Ian, Riot, Risings and Revolution, Pimlico, 1993
Gregory, J and Stevenson, J, The Longman Companion to Britain in the Eighteenth Century, Longman, 1988
Hibbert, Christopher, George III, Penguin, 1998
Holmes, Geoffrey and Szechi, Daniel, The Age of Oligarchy, Longman, 1993
Hoppit, Julian, A Land of Liberty? Oxford, 2000
Langford, Paul, A Polite and Commercial People, Oxford, 1989
O’Gorman, Frank, The Long Eighteenth Century, Arnold, 1997
Pittock, Murray G. H., Jacobitism, St Martin’s Press, 1988
Plum, J. H, Sir Robert Walpole, 2 vols. Allen Lane, 1956
Porter, Roy, English Society in the Eighteenth Century, Penguin, 1982
________Enlightenment, Penguin, 2000
Prest, Wilfred, Albion Ascendant, Oxford, 1998
Rogers, Nicholas, Crowds, Culture and Politics in Georgian Britain, Oxford, 1998
Rudé, George, Wilkes and Liberty, Oxford, 1962
Rule, John, Albion’s People, Longman, 1992
Smith, Hannah, Georgian Monarchy: Politics and Culture, 1714-60, Cambridge, 2006
Sobel, Dava, Longitude, Walker, 1995
Speck, W. A., Stability and Strife, Edward Arnold, 1977
Stevenson, John, Popular Disturbances in England 1700-1832, Longman, 1992
Thompson, E. P., Whigs and Hunters, Penguin, 1977
Tillyard, Stella, Aristocrats, Vintage, 1994
___________ A Royal Affair: George III and his Troublesome Siblings, Chatto, 2006
Uglow, Jenny, The Lunar Men, Faber, 2002
Vickery, Amanda, The Gentleman’s Daughter, Yale, 1998
Watson, Steven, The Reign of George III, Oxford History of England
Williams, E. N., The Eighteenth Century Constitution, Cambridge, 1965